Wednesday 16 May 2012

5 Skin care tips for summer season

5 Skin care tips for summer season 5 Skin care tips for summer season
5 Skin care tips for summer season
A healthy and a glowing skin is what all of us want as it gives extra charms to our body and personality. Visiting skin care consultants or beauty parlors are not possible especially if you are working professional. But there are several effective home remedies for you to get a healthy and glowing skin without visiting a beauty parlor.
1. Drink lots of water. It is available for free in most part of our country :) . In summer, we sweat a lot and thus if don’t consume lots of water, it will affect your skin. So consume lots of water and when ever you are going out make sure to cover your skins properly if you can. If you have to go out, make sure to use good quality sunscreen lotions.
2. Keep your skin clean. Regular cleansing helps you to remove excess oil and dirt from your skin. You may apply good quality face wash creams or cleansers
3. Applying Papaya paste on your skin really does magic and it is highly effective. Grind some ripped papaya and make a paste of it and apply it to your skin. Keep the paste for thirty minutes so that it enters your skin properly. Wash it with cold water. Do this for a few times and you will notice the difference.
4. Cucumber as we have seen is great. If you apply cucumber juice with a pinch of turmeric, helps in reducing tan and pigmentation. Cucumber is considered to be cold and contents lots of anti aging elements in it. Apply this to your skin and feel the difference
5. Paste of pineapple and carrot helps you reduce dark patches from your skins (face). Make the paste of pineapple and carrot, apply it and let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water.

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